Bondir Restaurant Inc. Control Plan:  Reopening after Covid-19

JUNE, 2020 - Bondir Restaurant will remain closed for dine-in service beyond Phase II of the MA reopening. We look forward to welcoming you back into our dining room as soon as we are safely able to do so, but first we want to assess both staff and public safety. Our Control Plan, which we have provided to the Cambridge Inspectional Services Department, is available at the link below, if you would like to read about our continuing efforts to operate safely and provide for our team.

C O N T R O L P L A N 

Additional Resources We Will Be Utilizing:

MA Safety Standards Checklist for Restaurants

Aspen Institute, Safety First Serving Food and Protecting People During Covid-19

Takeout Food, Beer & Wine Is Available Every Wednesday, Friday, And Sunday. Please Visit Our TAKEOUT PAGE For Details.